The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is the largest ground based astronomical project in existence. Built by an worldwide partnership, this new generation telescope offers the best opportunities to unveil the origin of our universe as well as the origin of life.
The University Consortium of ALMA–Taiwan (UCAT) is embarking upon this unprecedented project and is inviting students to apply to the UCAT Summer Student Program, where they will have the opportunity to lead unique groundbreaking research under the guidance of astronomers and prepare for the use of this experiment. Opportunity is open to about 8-10 students with preference given to the junior level or higher, whose majors are in any scientific disciplines (physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, engineering, and of course astronomy).
Students will attend a series of lecture designed for them in the Summer School, to introduce ALMA, radio astronomy, and a broad range of research subjects. Also, all students are required to give an oral report of their research projects at the conclusion of the program, and to provide a written report suitable for public reviewing.
Successful applicants will work at UCAT member universities from 2015 July 01 (Fri) to August 31 (Wed) at a monthly stipend of NT $20,000. A brief description of the research projects offered can be found below.
To apply, please fill out and email the registration form (Word or PDF) to Mr. Chih-Chun Hsu (許智鈞; by April 20 (Wed). Applicants must indicate on their application form the project or projects of their most interests and provide letters of recommendation (up to two). Offers will be announced on May 05 (Thu).
專題研究計畫 (USSP2016)
計畫期間:2016年7月1日(星期五)起 2016年8月31日 (星期三)止
申請截止日期:2016年4月20日 (星期三)
錄取名單公告 期:2016年5月5日 (星期四)
申請方式:下載申請表(Word或PDF),填寫基本資料及聯絡方式、研 究興趣、相關經歷與期望參與的研究計畫,並附上各學期之成績單影本(JPG或PDF格式之電子檔亦可)。加附推薦信者尤佳(最多兩封),由推薦者於申請截止日期前寄達ALMA科學創進中心(Word或PDF格式之電子檔亦可)
[書面資料]:30013新竹市光復路二段101號國立清華大學天文所 許智鈞 (UCAT暑期學生專題研究計畫)
2016 Campus Visit Schedule
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch 12:30 - 13:40 Progress Reports (Students) 14:00 - 15:30 Star Formation (Vivien Chen) | |||
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch 12:30 - 13:40 Progress Reports (Students) 14:00 - 15:30 TBA | |||
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch 12:30 - 13:40 Progress Reports (Students) 14:00 - 15:30 TBA | |||
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 16:00 Final Presentations (Students) |
2016 Summer Student Projects