Quasi-periodic pulsations in radio emissions and their solar origins

Ya-Hui Yang

(National Central University)

Solar flare is one of the most explosive phenomena in solar system that huge energy is released in a short time. The flare-accelerated particles can either propagate outward into the interplanetary space or move downward to the low solar atmosphere. Quasi-periodic pulsation (QPP) is believed to be a signature associated with the intermittent energy release via the magnetic reconnection or associated with the wave propagations in the neighboring magnetic loops. Namely, solar radio emissions provide important information on the acceleration and transport processes of energetic particles in the solar eruptive events. Students in the summer program will start from the study of QPPs based on the ground-basedradio measurements and then analyze their solar origins by combining with the space-borne multi-wavelength observations.In addition to the data analysis, students can learn the flare-related magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration theories.