Chorng-Yuan Hwang
(National Central University)
In contrast to the missing mass problem in normal galaxies, luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) were found to contain too much molecular mass. LIRGs were usually merging galaxies and found to contain a huge amount of molecular mass in the central regions of the galaxies; however, the estimated molecular masses are usually too huge to be reconciled with the observed dynamical masses. The inconsistency is usually believed due to the error of the CO-luminosity-to-H2-mass conversion factor for the LIRGs; the standard value of the conversion factor, which was derived from the Galaxy, might not be applicable in the LIRGs. However, since LIRGs or merging galaxies should also be in the processes of merging of dark halos according to the hierarchical scenario of galaxy formation, it is very interesting to investigate what is the distribution of dark matter in the LIRGs.
In this project, we would like to investigate the dark matter distribution in LIRGs using ALMA archival data. In this program, students would learn techniques of data reduction and analysis for ALMA as well as astronomy and astrophysics about dark matter and merging galaxies.